The Bahamas Locomotive Association has released a brief update on the LMS Jubilee 45596 Bahamas since the busy 2021.
After a visit to the Nene Valley Railroad was included in 2021 and all trains were towed on the popular Heritage Railroad, the locomotive headed for the main line of the Wales Dragon Tour, the first test of the larger TPWS annunciator. I did. It will be significantly improved and should not have the problem of missing warning sounds in the future.
The rest of the tour schedule was completed with impeccable performance from the locomotive. Frequent water changes were required to control boiler solids and avoid the risk of priming.
During the trip to Plymouth in the Bahamas, the Laila Depot was relocated. This meant facing modern health and safety regulations, including a ban on working at heights. This meant that the support crew could not walk along the barrel frame to accompany the Lubricator.
Finally, in October, the Bahamas celebrated his completed tour diary by riding a light locomotive back to Oxenhope. This locomotive is celebrating with a drain cock in a clogged open cylinder.
After a busy tour, there was steam for the last three days on the Keithree and Worth Valley Railroad during the Beer and Music Festival. Unfortunately, the locomotive needs a lot of rest as the brick arch partially collapses, the piston rod fitting explodes, the central cylinder snifter valve does not sit, and the steam line to the engine tender bursts. there was. In early November, BLS worked on weekends, with self-cleaning panels removed, brick arches demolished, grate removed, smokeboxes and tubes-equipped fireboxes cleaned, and finally in the boiler. A washout has been performed. Also, during weekend work, the firebox crown plate was tapped out to accommodate the next size fusible plug, and the firebox crown bar nut was removed. This was to caulk the stay before installing the new nut. I removed a part of the escutt chon trim of the door so that the stand nut could be removed. This was also crimped and the nuts, fairings and plumbing were reinstalled.
A significant portion of the firebox side struts were also crimped and they were crying. The BLS team is aware of steam leaks under the outer firebox liner. In general, small leaks from seams or webs in water bodies tend to be repaired automatically as water droplets draw salt into the crevices. However, things can get worse in a steam room, as the escaping steam can erode the leak location. I used an infrared camera to identify the leak. This was found and the two back panels were removed. The stanchions under the whistle were blown off and crimped, but the team was unable to identify the other stanchions and the fairing was stopped until the next boiler was steamed. The locomotive is now ready for boiler testing and new arch bricks and new brake hoses have been procured.
The Bahamas managed to complete 4,802 miles in 2021.